The fourth book in the world to highlight vegan businesses!

Aside from Vegan Ventures, The Future of Food is Female, and my book (all authored by women), we now have a fourth book that tackles the vegan industry: Vegan Business Revolution by Vegan Business Tribe‘s David Pannell.

As a member of VBT, I received a free e-copy of the book, but it’s also available in paperback on Amazon.

Similar to The Future of Food is Female, Pannell interviewed 35 business owners whose stories were first published in Vegan Food & Living, UK’s premiere vegan magazine. So unless you had already read these profiles in the magazine, they will be new to you. I read the book over two days. Although I’d known about several of the businesses already, most were new to me.

The colour photos are a nice touch, and this is a book that you can open up and read for short spurts of time; each chapter features one business, and you don’t have to read it chronologically. Here are some of my favourite highlights:

  • Last year, Brieanah and Johanna of Plant Powered Business (formerly Plant Powered: Conversations That Sprout Ethical Change) had recently reviewed emails from vegan beauty company Happy Carrot Skincare on an episode of their YouTube podcast, so it was cool to learn more about the brand.
  • Everyone gravitates to Cadbury’s chocolate eggs each Easter, but Mummy Meegz has been making vegan versions of these since at least 2016!
  • There are some things I never thought could be made vegan, but there’s a vegan taxidermist named Beth who makes “specimens suitable for the most bizarre and creepiest of curiosity collections” under Sutured Specimens!
  • Kevin Newell, who runs vegan “pest control” company Humane Wildlife Solutions, was the first person to send me a marketing story for my book! This book also featured Jecks Stone at Persona Abode Interiors, who also contributed to my book.
  • Check out my former client, BReD, and the launch video for the cookbook that Ed and Natasha published in 2023:
  • Viva La Vegan is probably one of the longest running vegan apparel e-commerce brands.
  • I’m a sucker for a good company name, and gwafuvegan is right up there, run by Chef Ngwafu, who educates folks in the UK about West african food through her cooking.
  • If Harry Bidewell, “the UK’s youngest vegan activist” at five years old, can run a business under Vegan Squirrel, so can anyone—what an inspiring kid!
  • Jim Moore of The Bloody Vegans Podcast had me on as a guest and it’s so cool that he works with others to develop their own podcasts.

From hospitality to authors, food and beverage producers, sanctuaries, service providers, restaurants, educators, artists, and events, there’s a great range of business types in this book.

Regardless of whether you’re vegan, you can learn something from the journey of each featured business and also what they’ve been up to since David first interviewed them.

Besides the Vegan Business Tribe Podcast, you can now listen to the new Vegan Business Revolution podcast where you listen to podcasts, or the video version on the VBT website here.


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