by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing
What hybrid publishers do, reasons to choose one, questions to ask them, and additional research to before hiring This is another repost of a blog by Stephanie Chandler at the Nonfiction Authors Association and is a perfect primer to hybrid book publishing, which I...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
How do books get distributed and marketed? If you missed part one on how books get written and printed, go back and read that post here. Before I wrote this post, I didn’t really know how traditionally published books got distributed on a mass scale except for...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing
How the heck do books get made? Last month, I attended a networking event. When I tell people I help authors publish books, they say they have no idea where to start with that. One woman said she could see my passion when I was explaining the two paths of publishing....
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
How to get your book in bookstores, even if you self-publish Another rad Publish & Prosper podcast episode, “How to Get Your Book Into Indie Bookstores,” inspired this post. Many authors I talk to treasure the experience of having their book at...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
What authors should know if they want to sign with a traditional book publisher This post is a long time coming, but I’d only heard here and there about the nuances of traditional book publishing—not enough to form a blog post—until I signed up to Scribe...
by Sandra Nomoto | Book publishing, Business & Marketing
Your handy checklist for a book proposal to a traditional publisher If you’ve worked with me or checked out my website, you’ll know that my typical author clients are self-publishing authors. Unless you hire me as a ghostwriter, there’s not much I...